Find your perfect match
Labrynth equips patients to quickly identify, understand and participate in clinical trials.
Create your profile in minutes
Be instantly paired with your options
Get notified once you've been approved
Take your research
into the 21st century:
Labrynth saves you time and money
Ever tried to imagine a world without having to deal with consultants every day? So did we! With Labrynth's easy, automated recruiting, you'll never have to pick up the phone again.
Identify, recruit and manage patients seamlessly
Labrynth provides you with the world's largest pool of patients to help you get your innovative and life saving research to market.
Ditch the costly consultants and reduce your patient dropout
Labrynth puts you in the driver's seat by giving you the tools to recruit and manage your participants in a single place and maintain a direct line to your participants at all times.
It's easy
Submit your trials directly to the platform and let our technology do the rest.
Upload and publish your requirements
and P.A.T. will locate and identify the perfect potential participants to meet your criteria.
Take Control
Choose to invite, wait list or reject participants in real time to ensure efficiency. You'll be onboarding in as little as 60 days!
Patient Assistance Tool
P.A.T. is the real brains behind this operation. Anywhere there's a patient in need, P.A.T. uses what he's learned through the millions of patient/ provider/ drug interactions ​he processes every day to chart a course for better health for not only your patients but the entire Labrynth community.
With P.A.T on your side, you receive Intelligent, personalized and data-driven recommendations for clinical trials.
Labrynth is best experienced through the app
Coming soon for both Apple and Android devices